Mid report The Hero’s Journey

content of topics
  • What to start with
  • Scholarship is the way
  • 12 steps of The Hero’s Journey
  • Scholarships research:
    • What is the Scholarship
    • What are the types of Scholarship
    • What are the basic requirements
  • Shoreline idea
  • Infographic Sketch and It’s meaning
What to start with

As encouragement for others to become a student or continue to be a student first of all I would mention that it is not necessarily going to be easy.
For many students, it is challenging.
One of the reasons is that the student needs to take care of all their living necessities and at the same time dedicate a lot of time to studying.
Even so, it is very possible! It requires hope, perseverance, and work.
The way to achieve it is to receive encouragement from experienced students and
seek financial support.
There is a way, but to get there students need to have the necessary attitude and mindset.

Scholarship is the way

One of the ways to receive financial support is a Scholarships. This is the theme I want to use to create my Digital Story for students being able to benefit from it.

12 steps of The Hero’s Journey

Step 0: Onboarding – Financial support is needed for a student and sometimes is crucial to continue education. A scholarship is one of the ways to receive necessary resources. With proper knowledge and the right amount of effort, every student is eligible for a scholarship, which they do not need to return in the future!

Step 1: Ordinary World – Everyone has different responsibilities and ways of managing them. At the same time, we have our interests, hobbies, and dreams about what we would like to do, and who we would like to become.

Step 2: Call to Adventure – The dream to be someone better or have a better life, or make this word for a better place may call us to make the first step to our educational goals. 

Step 3: Refusal of the Call – However, it is not easy to do the first step because being a student requires a lot of time and energy for study. It is not easy to come up with the amount of tuition to pay. It is scary to take a student loan because it requires to be paid back.

Step 4: Meeting with the Mentor –  That is why it is very important to receive encouragement and proper guidance about the ways and possibilities to receive financial support.

Step 5: Crossing the First Threshold – Find out what kind of Financial Aid you are eligible for. Fill the FALSFA and fill all necessary forms.

Step 6: Tests, Allies, Enemies – Find the scholarship you are eligible for. You need to provide all the necessary information about yourself. It can include such things as your achievements, grade, the experience of being a volunteer, essay, reference letters, and so on. This stage takes some effort, focus, and patience.

Step 7: Approach – In this stage, we may ask for help to pre-read our written. (not so sure about this one).

Step 8: Ordeal – After submitting our Scholarship application it is important to not over-expected. Students may not receive all scholarships they apply for. It is important to not give up!  

Step 9: Reward – Receiving scholarship! 

Step 10: The Road Back – Student paying the tuition or study expenses.

Step 11: Resurrection Hero – At this stage student keeps going until graduation and continues applying for a Scholarship every year. 

Step 12: Return with Elixir – This is a time to help and encourage other students to take a Hero Journey.

Scholarships research

What is the Scholarship
What are the types of Scholarship
What are the basic requirements

Shoreline idea

Would be nice to add seashells or conch shells, among jewels or pearls.

Infographic Sketch and Its meaning

The Challenges and Accomplishments

Founding the Flower

There are two sketches. I didn’t decide which one is better. I’m open to your feedback!